
Donato Ricci

In 2005 Donato Ricci graduated in Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano. In 2010 he obtained a PhD degree summa cum laude in Industrial Design and Multimedia Communication at Politecnico di Milano with the dissertation « Seeing what they are saying : Diagrams for social complexity and controversies ».
After two years as research fellow and senior designer at DensityDesign Lab where he carried out scientific researches, design project and teaching activities in the field of visual epistemology, he joined, as Post-Doc reseach fellow the Bruno Latour’s AIME project 1 founded by ERC Grant IDEAS 2010 n° 269567 under the EC - FP7/2007-2013. He is Research Assistant Professor of Digital tools and methods for visualization at the Politecnico di Milano and Assistant Professor of Representação e Conhecimento (Knowledge and Representation) at the Universidade de Aveiro.

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Article(s) rédigé(s) :

n°3 : Entretien de Donato Ricci, sur la recherche en design
n°3 : An account of Digital Humanities from the AIME Project